
Learn Webpack Pt. 1: What Even Is Webpack??

March 8, 2019116932


COUPON FOR MY GIT & GITHUB COURSE: https://www.udemy.com/course/git-and-github-bootcamp/?couponCode=21391F935F15DBA563DF COUPON FOR MY NEW COMMAND-LINE COURSE: https://www.udemy.com/course/the-linux-command-line-bootcamp/?couponCode=BFFE1ED31FBED68BD88C This 10-part course teaches Webpack from scratch. It begins with a simple question: "What is webpack?" Quickly we move on to installing Webpack, configuring it, and adding loaders for CSS, SASS, HTML, and Files. The course covers cache busting, setting up a dev server, and splitting up your development and production config files. We incorporate multiple Webpack plugins including clean-webpack-plugin, mini-css-extract-plugin, optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin, terser-webpack-plugin, and html-webpack-plugin. It's a lot of stuff :) - Find all the code and commits for this course in this Github repo: https://github.com/Colt/webpack-demo-app If you're ready to launch your career as a software engineer, check out my job-guaranteed bootcamp with Springboard: https://springboard.com/workshops/software-engineering-career-track/?utm_source=coltsteele&utm_medium=youtubedescription&utm_campaign=sec
