
Vue.js With TypeScript A Beginners Guide

December 30, 201984090


🚨 IMPORTANT: I have the ultimate Vue course! If you're interested in it click here and get a free Vue cheat sheet! https://www.vuecourse.tech/ TypeScript and Vue are a great combination, but how do you use it? In this video I'll discuss how to use TypeScript and Vue with Vue.extend and look at the class component architecture. πŸ‘‰Check out my last video on Top 150 YouTube Channels https://youtu.be/XCurQDpFXtA Please check out my Github list and send a PR and star it! https://github.com/ErikCH/DevYouTubeList πŸ“š Sign up and get notified about my new Vue 3 course! β€” https://www.vuecourse.tech/ πŸ‘‰ Algo expert is the best way to learn algorithms! Check out my code and get 15% off at checkout with code "erik" http://algoexpert.io/erik β™‘ β™‘ β™‘ MY COURSES - β†’ VUE.JS + NUXT.JS (Two Courses In One) - http://bit.ly/2LalQka β™‘ β™‘ β™‘ Make Sure To Check These Courses Out On Udemy! πŸ’» β†’ JAVASCRIPT ALGORITHMS COLT STEELE'S COURSE - http://bit.ly/2L8HSPV β†’ THE WEB DEVELOPER BOOTCAMP (GREAT FOR BEGINNERS) β€” http://bit.ly/2zP4alw β†’ THE ADVANCED WEB DEVELOPER BOOTCAMP β€” http://bit.ly/2h53MYg β†’ THE ULTIMATE VUE JS 2 COURSE - http://bit.ly/2CTvsvx β†’ CHECK OUT THIS COURSE - Angular 8 - The Complete Guide - http://bit.ly/2sCMxWm β†’ Check out the 100 Front End Interview Question Challenge here - http://bit.ly/2NM9GAm β†’ The Complete 2019 Web Development Bootcamp - Angela Yu - http://bit.ly/2ADKEKD ___ Links https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/typescript.html#Augmenting-Types-for-Use-with-Plugins https://github.com/vuejs/vue-class-component https://github.com/kaorun343/vue-property-decorator MY WEBSITE β€” http://www.programwitherik.com MY TWITTER β€” http://www.twitter.com/erikch MY FACEBOOK β€” http://www.facebook.com/programwitherik
